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I’ve been working hard all day, so I’m very tired now.

I’d been working hard all day, so I was very tired last night.

Ex.1. Join each idea in A with an idea from B. Make sentences using the Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.





I (lelt) very cold because

they were lost.


I (play) tennis so

they were very tired.


The children’s hair was wet

I finally went to see the doctor.


Maria’s sister (study) at University

I realized I was at the wrong bus – stop.

for eight years before



I (stand) there for nearly a half an

I (stand) outside for over two hours.

hour when



I (not/feel) well for weeks before

she finally passed her exams.


The strange thing was that we

they (swim) in the sea

(just/talk) about ghosts when



They travel all day so

we heard the noise upstairs.


They (drive) for about half an hour

I was feeling hot and sticky



Ex.2. Complete the text with past perfect progressives: choose verbs from the box.

drive lie repair work

John Latton, 39, an engineer at Felton Plastics in Upton, had a lucky escape after an accident on the A34 in the early hours of the morning. Mr Latton fell asleep while

driving and crashed into a pile of sand left by workers who




the road.

When he left Felton Plastics at 3.00 this morning, Mr Latton


for 72 hours

without any sleep.







A passing motorist discovered the accident after the engineer




in his car

with a broken leg for half an hour. Ambulance workers said that if Mr Latton 4 any faster his injuries might have been much worse.

Ex.3. Read the story.

On Tuesday afternoon, everyone in my family was very busy – except me. During the afternoon Helen repaired her car; John practiced his karate; Kate did some gardening; Stephanie played tennis; Roger swam for half an hour; Pam went horse – riding; Philip painted the ceiling in his room light blue. I spent the afternoon sitting reading.


Now answer the questions.

1.Who had black grease on her hands at teatime? Why?

Helen, because she had been repairing her car.

2.Who had dirt on her hands and knees? Why?

3.Who was wearing a short white skirt? Why?

4.Who was wearing a white jacket and trousers and black belt? Why?

5.Who was wearing high boots and a hard hat? Why?

6.Whose hair had light blue streaks in it? Why?

7.Whose hair was all wet? Why?

Ex.4. In a murder investigation, some suspects were asked by police what they had been doing at eight o’clock the previous evening. They all told lies. Write sentences to explain what they told the police they had been doing, and what they had actually been doing.


Mrs Oliver said she had been reading, but actually she had been watching the neighbours through binoculars.


Told police had been doing


Mrs Oliver


watching neighbours through




Mr Lucas

watching TV

stealing cars

Mrs Allen

talking on the phone

making a bomb

Mr. Nash

washing clothes

forging ₤ 5 notes


playing cards

selling drugs


studying chemistry


Aunt Jane

writing letters

planning a bank robbery

Miss Fry

washing her hair

out dancing with her sister’s





painting his flat

playing roulette

Ex.5. Use Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect of the verbs in brackets.

1.I (wait) for you for two hours already, but nobody can tell me when you will come.

2.We (live) in Moscow for many years already, we love its houses, streets and monuments. 3. We (drive) for two hours already when we realized that we were driving in the wrong direction. 4. I (look) for my exercise – book for more than an hour. 5. It’s a lonely place. I (sit) here for five hours and nobody has come here. 6. He was rather worried, as he (sit) and (wait) for his mother for hours. 7. The detectives (look) through all books, (examine) and (search) all the bookshelves and boxes for three hours before they understood that there was nothing to find. 8. Jane is nervous, she (translate) a difficult article for already half an hour. 9. What nasty weather we are having. It (rain) since morning. 10. He said he (watch) me all the time but hadn’t noticed anything strange. 11. I must go and see a doctor, I (not feel) well lately.


12. Since when the children (decorate) the New Year tree? 13. How long your mother (use) her watch before it went wrong? 14. He (lie) there unconscious for about an hour when they saw him. 15. I hope I am not late for supper. I (read) since lunch and didn’t watch the hours.

Ex.6. Use Past Perfect of Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets and retell the story.

Jim … for Mary for half an hour yesterday. (to wait) She … never … so late before, so he thought she … about their meeting. (to be, to forget) He went to telephone to her house to find out if she … . (to leave) He learnt that Mary … for him outside the cinema for half an hour. (to wait) She … home twice during that time. (to telephone) Jim was very much surprised to hear it as he … outside the cinema for half an hour too. (to stand) It was clear that Mary … to the wrong cinema. (to go) Jim ran to the cinema they usually went to. And indeed there she was. They … to the cinema together for two months, and this was the first mistake they … . (to go, to make)

As they … the first part of the film they decided to wait for the next show. (to miss) They were awfully hungry as they … no dinner. (to have) Jim invited Mary to a café. She agreed as she … of her tea for some time too. (to think)

Ex.7. The Past Perfect Continuous or the Past Continuous?

Mind that Past Continuous is used when

the action was happening at a certain

moment in the past, and the Past Perfect Continuous at a certan period in the past.



When I looked out of the

When I looked out of the

window it had been raining.

window it was raining.

( В тот момент, когда я

( Когда я выглянул в окно,

выглянул в окно, дождя не

дождь шел именно в этот

было, он шел до этого в


течениие какого-то периода.)


1. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor, he (look) for his pen. 2. When I arrived she (wait) for me. But she looked angry as she (wait) for a very long time. 3. They still (walk) when it started snowing. 4. The children looked tired. They (walk) since early morning. 5. The magnificent car (wait) at the door. It (wait) for two hours. 6. The sun (shine) all day long yesterday. 7. She (cry) for a few minutes more before she could stop. 8. John (drive) the car when the accident happened. 9. The sky (clear) though it (rain) still. 10. The telephone (ring) for a few minutes before somebody picked up the receiver.

Ex.8. Supply the Past Indefinite the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets.

1. We (talk) for some time when the bell (ring). 2. That day the sun (shine) since morning and the sky (be) blue. 3. I (tell) him what I (do) and he (tell) me what he (do)


in the last three months. 4. They (walk) along the street for half an hour before they (see) a cafe. 5. I (have) breakfast when the telephone (ring). 6. How long you (know) Mike before you (get married)? 7. She (cook) dinner when her husband (return) home.

8.She (cook) dinner for half an hour when she (remember) that she (run out) of bread.

9.She (thank) me for what I (do). 10. The children (clean) the front step for more than an hour before their mother (call) them to dinner. 11. The front step (look) very clean after the children (scrub) it. 12. The family (watch) TV when I (come) home.

Ex.9. Translate the sentences into English.

a)1. Летом мы жили на даче, а осенью переехали в город. 2. Вчера я не смотрела телевизор и пропустила очень интересный английский фильм. 3. Когда преподаватель вошёл в аудиторию, студенты обсуждали свою летнюю практику на Севере. 4. Когда мы пришли на вокзал, поезд уже прибыл. 5. После завтрака я отправила детей в школу и пошла в магазин. 6. Она дала мне письмо после того, как я назвал себя. 7. Они репетировали пьесу уже две недели, когда ведущая актриса внезапно заболела. 8. Едва он открыл дверь, как она бросилась к нему и стала жаловаться на детей. 9. Он бродил по городу целую неделю до того, как набрёл на этот старый дом с садом. 10. После окончания школы она пыталась поступить в университет, но провалилась. 11. Несколько лет она играла небольшие роли, прежде чем сыграла роль главной героини. 12. Какой-то человек ждал её внизу, служанка сказала, что он ждал её уже около часа.

b)1. Каким словарём вы сейчас пользуетесь? – Словарём Мюллера. Мама мне

подарила его, и я пользуюсь им с тех пор, как стала изучать английский язык.

2. Этот студент изучает итальянский язык самостоятельно. Он занимается итальянским уже в течение многих месяцев. 3. Где ваша сестра? – Моя сестра занимается в Публичной библиотеке. Она уже собрала материал для свой диссертации. 4. Мой друг заболел и лежит в постели уже целую неделю; сейчас он чувствует себя лучше. 5. Когда вы начали читать Диккенса в подлиннике?

6. Какую английскую книгу ваша сестра читала с утра, когда я пришла? – Она читала роман «Убить пересмешника» (“To kill a mockingbird”). 7. Мой дядя живёт в этом доме уже 4 года.

8. Артур любил Джемму с самого детства. 9. Давид Копперфилд ненавидел своего отчима и его сестру с тех пор, как узнал их. 10. Студенты изучают английский язык в университете 2 года с 2005 года.

с) Моя сестра – школьница. Она уже 9 лет учится в школе. Она в девятом классе, а мой брат закончил школу и работает. Его зовут Александр. Мы зовём его просто Алик. У него своя семья. Он жил в Саратове в течение трёх лет, прежде чем вернулся с семьёй в Москву. Его жена жила там до того, как вышла замуж за брата. У меня ещё нет племянников и племянниц, так как у брата нет детей. Нас шестеро в семье: мама, бабушка, сестра, мой муж, моя дочь и я. Дочери 8 лет. Послушайте, как она мило говорит по-английски. Она всё лето говорила поанглийски, так как жила в летнем лагере, в котором работали студенты английского отделения, и они много занимались с ребятами английским языком.


Моя свекровь с нами не живёт. У моего мужа есть брат, и они живут вместе. На праздники у нас обычно бывает ещё родственница моего отца, она работает библиотекарем. Она скоро опять приедет. Я жду её с нетерпением, так как она, если сможет, привезёт почитать интересные книги. Тогда я буду читать все вечера. Я уверена, что я их прочту до её отъезда.

The Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense

I. Form

The verb “be” in the future perfect + …-ing (shall/will have been doing)

II. Use

We use the future perfect continuous to talk about something that had begun before a certain moment in the future, continued for some time and will still continue at a given moment in the future. It is used comparatively rarely in modern English. e.g.:

On April 2nd next year we shall/will have been living in this house exactly twenty years.

На следующий год, 2 апреля, исполнится год, как мы живем в этом доме. Next summer I’ll have been teaching for ten years in this school.

На следующее лето будет 10 лет, как я преподаю в этой школе.

Ex.1. Practise the following according to the model.

Model A. Have you just started collecting stamps?

B.Oh, no. By the end of the month I’ll have been collecting stamps for five years. Have you just started…

1.painting? 2. playing the violin? 3. growing roses? 4. selling peaches? 5. riding a motorbike? 6. chicken farming? 7. studying history? 8. traveling abroad? 9. restoring the building? 10. working at this firm?

Ex.2. Supply the Future Perfect Continuous Tense of the vebs in brackets.

1. Next year we (study) English for three years. 2. In summer my brother (travel) in

Siberia for a year. 3. In two years my friend’s father (work) at the factory for 30 years.

4. It (snow) for a week tomorrow. 5. Next year she (give) music lessons for 20 years. 6. In a month he (play) football for seven years. 7. In three minutes they (discuss) this question for three hours. 8. In September they (built) their country house for 2 years. 9. In two months she (work) at school for ten years. 10. In half an hour they (write) a test-paper for two hours. 11. The play (run) for a year in May. 12. In March 2000 she (dance) on this stage for fifteen years. 13. Tomorrow it (rain) heavily for almost a week.


Ex.3. Supply the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.

1. They (complete) the new bridge by the end of the year. 2. By the end of the week we (wait) four months for our telephone to be repaired. 3. I hope you (finish) this report by the end of the day. 4. We (fly) non-stop for fifteen hours before we get to Calcutta. 5. She (leave) for work before the children get home from school. 6. By this time next year he (write) his memories. 7. Do you know that your sister (work) for this company for ten years by next month? 8. They (be married) for ten years next year. 9. How long they (look) for a flat by next Monday? 10. They (come) here by 5 after they finish their work.

Ex.4. Translate the sentences into English putting the verb in italics into the Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. На будущий год будет 10 лет, как она работает в больнице. 2. Через 2 дня будет ровно год, как я учу испанский язык. 3. Через неделю будет 3 года, как они строят кинотеатр в нашем районе. 4. Будущим летом будет 5 лет, как наша группа работает над этой проблемой. 5. На будущий год исполнится 6 лет, как он играет в хоккей в этой команде. 6. Через несколько дней будет год, как он пишет эту книгу. 7. В августе будет два года, как он пишет портрет своей жены. 8. Через несколько минут будет 3 часа, как студенты пишут сочинение. 9. Разве ты не знаешь, что на следующий год исполнится 5 лет, как они женаты?

10. Через 15 минут будет 2 часа, как они пишут тест.

The Future in the Past Tense

a) Study the following chart:

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech



I said, “I shall/will write a letter to him”.

I said that I should/would write a letter to





I said, “I shall/will be writing a letter at 5

I said that I should/would be writing a


letter at 5 o’clock.



I said, “I shall/will have written the letter

I said that I should/would have written the

by 5 o’clock.

letter by 5 o’clock.

Perfect Continuous


I said, “In 15 minutes I shall/will have

I said that in 15 minutes I should/would

been writing the letter for an hour”.

have been writing the letter for an hour.




Ex.1. Practise the following according to the model.

Model: A. She washed the car, didn’t she?

B.No, she forgot. But she said she’d wash it the next day. She …, didn’t she?

1.told Peter. 2. rang Ann. 3. asked Jack. 4. reminded Bill. 5. thanked Mary. 6. helped the twins. 7. booked the seats. 8. answered the letter. 9. apologized to Peter. 10. invited the guests. 11. took the books back. 12. made the list. 13. bought the tickets.

14.repaired TV set. 15. arranged the exhibition.

b)When we are talking about the past we often want to say that something was still in the future at that time. To express this idea, we can use the past progressive (was

…ing), was going to …, would … or was to.

She was leaving in an hour, but she didn’t want to do it.

Она уезжала (собиралась уехать) через час, но ей не хотелось делать этого.

I was going to apologize to him, but he was away. He imagined their meeting.

He would kiss her and would tell her about his love to her.

Он представил их встречу. Он поцелует её и скажет ей о своей любви к ней.

We were to meet at 6 at the corner of 9th street, but he didn’t come.

Мы хотели (собирались, должны были) встретиться на углу 9-й улицы, но он не пришёл.

Ex.2. Put the beginnings and ends together.



Carola and I hardly noticed each other

and she still hadn’t started packing.

that first evening.

arrived one Friday morning.

He was to regret that conversation

but I forgot.

I was going to ring you yesterday,

for many years to come.

She was leaving in two hours,

I didn’t like it.

So this was the school where I would

two weeks later we would be married.

spend the next five years.


The letter that was to change my life


Ex.3. These sentences are from C. S. Forester’s novel The General, set in the First World War. Complete the sentences with expressions from the box.

would stand

would make

would return

was going to be

was going to say

was marrying

were to find

were to lose

1.The parlourmaid was in the room and her presence caused Lady Emily not to say immediately what she ____.

2.As the Duchess had said the fact that Emily ____ a General was a very adequate excuse for so much ceremony at the wedding.

3.There was going to be no muddling in his Corps. Everything ____ exact, systematic, perfect.


4.(This was) the front line of the British trench system – in it many men ____ their lives for the barren honour of retaining that worthless ground.

5.There were six men bending over that map, and five of them ____ their graves at the point where the General’s finger was stabbing at the map.

6.A vivid flash of imagination, like lightning at night, revealed the future to Curzon. He ____ to England a defeated general, one of the men who had let England a down. Emily ____ by him, but he did not want her to have to do so. Emily whom he loved

____ it all the worse. He would rather die.

Ex.4. Join each idea in A with an idea from B. Make sentences using “was/were going to” and the verbs in brackets.





I (take) a taxi home last night,

but it rained all afternoon.

2. We (write) to them when we were on

but my boss offered me more money?


so I decided to stay.


They (get) married,

but I didn’t have enough money, so I



had to walk.


I was going to stay at home last

but she had seen it before, so she went


to bed early.


We were going to eat at the Italian

but her car broke down, so she went


by train.


She (drive) to Scotland last

but in the end they changed their




We (play) tennis yesterday

but I decided to go out instead.




She (watch) the film on TV last

but it was full, so we ate somewhere




I (change) my job last year,

but we changed our minds and phoned



them instead.

Ex.5. Translate into English using Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous or Future in the Past.

1. Он всё поймёт раньше, чем ты начнёшь свои объяснения. 2. Строители закончат этот объект к 1 мая. 3. Повтори им эту фразу ещё раз, возможно, они поймут. 4. Он сказал, что приедет на вокзал проводить нас. 5. Не беспокойте его: завтра в 8 вечера он будет давать свой первый концерт. 6. В июле будет ровно 5 лет, как они танцуют вместе на сцене Большого театра. 7. Мы уберём квартиру и накроем на стол к тому времени, как придут гости. 8. Студенты начнут сдавать экзамены через полчаса. 9. Надеюсь, к 10 часам вечера представление закончится, и мы будем дома через 15 минут. 10. Что вы будете делать завтра в это время? – Буду готовить свой доклад на конференцию. 11. Они сказали, что обязательно придут на вечеринку. 12. Через три дня будет ровно год, как я учу французский язык. 13. Она сказала, что она будет давать свой первый урок в 11


часов. 14. Я сказал, что я перепишу текст к пяти часам. 15. Он сказал, что к первому июня он будет уже работать на этом заводе 20 лет.

Revision of Tenses

Sample Test

I. Use the proper forms of the verbs in brackets and make the text complete.

Ghosts in the house.

The Bedes liked the house which they (buy)1 three weeks before. It (stand)2 on the hill and (be)3 in perfect condition. “Now I (feel)4 quite happy”, Gwen (say)5. “We (live)6 in the house for 3 weeks and I (get)7 more and more proud of it. I (think)8 I (can)9 live in the house all my future life.” James (like)10 their new house very much too. He often (sit)11 in the old armchair looking into the fire. These (be)12 the happiest minutes in his life. He (watch)13 the logs burning in the fire and (thought)14 he (be able to)15 (sit)16 like that for a long time.

The Bedes (be)17 in the house for twenty-two days when their first post (arrive)18. The postman (bring)19 three large envelopes. There (be)20 a letter from Gwen’s sister. Gwen (hope)21 to read it after the postman (go)22 away, there (be)23 business papers for James in the second envelope, the third envelope (addressed)24 to “Mrs. Alison Ray”. Gwen (want)25 to give that letter to the postman, but the latter (say)26 that as the address (write)27 correctly somebody (may)28 call on them later. He (ask)29 the Bedes (keep)30 the letter for some days. He (promise)31 to return at the end of the week and (say)32 he (take)33 the letter to the post-office if nobody (ask)34 for it.

Gwen (leave)35 the letter on the table but the following morning it (disappear)36. Gwen (decide)37 that James (hide)38 it and asked if he (not touch)39 the letter. “Who (take)40 the letter then? What we (tell)41 the postman when he (come)42? What all this (mean)43?” (worry)44 Gwen.

II. Open the brackets:

1)– Oh, your car is broken! – Yes, I (have) an accident. – When it (happen)? – Yesterday. I (drive) when BMW (cut) me in.

2)I (meet) him by accident the other day. I (not meet) him lately.

3)The dress (look) small for a 5-year-old girl. – Oh, we just (pay) for it. – Never mind, they (change) it for a bigger size.

4)– I hope my plans (not interfere) with yours. – Sorry, but I (take) exams at 3 p.m. tomorrow.

5)As soon as I (arrive) tomorrow, I (ring) you up.

6)Sam (watch) TV when the burglar (break) into the house.

7)Elizabeth II (be) the Queen since 1952. As you know the real power (belong) to the Parliament, not to the Queen.

8)He (use) to go to the country every summer, but this summer he (leave) for the Crimea.

9)– Why you (not call) the company back and ask for that information? – The telephone number is busy, I (call) there 3 times.


10)– How you (like) the lecture? – I never (listen) to such a boring one in my life!

11)She (know) him before he (leave) for France. Sometimes he (call) her from Paris.

12)– If you (not mind) I (bring) coffee in 5 minutes. – Oh, I (enjoy) your coffee. Unfortunately, my wife (not learn) to make if yet.

13)Are you still here? Who you (wait) for? – I (wait) for a manager. I (hear) about a vacancy of a dealer at your firm.

14)I am really glad. I (work) with John at present. Usually we (get on) very well.

15)George (buy) his car by the end of the month. He already (save) enough money.

16)No sooner he (arrive) than the bell (ring). It (ring) for two minutes.

17)I (not drive) a car since winter. I (go) by metro that evening, but soon I (go) to leave for my aunt’s place by car.

18)I can’t find my glasses. You (see) them? – Here they are. You (put) them on this table yesterday.

19)How long it (take) you to get to the station? If we (take) a taxi, it (take) us less than 10 minutes.

20)He is rather old, but he still (work). Yesterday he (work) in the office the whole evening and tomorrow he (work) from 5 till 8.

21)Can’t you pay for your coffee yourself this time? I always (pay) for you, but I am not a rich man.

III. Translate from Russian into English:

1.Фильм хороший? Да, самый лучший, который я когда-либо видел.

2.Сколько времени тебе нужно, чтобы доехать до офиса?

3.Что ты прячешь за спиной? – Не ругайте его, он принесёт вам цветы.

4.Выставка откроется через три дня, она будет работать с сентября по октябрь.

5.Когда отправляется поезд? – В 10:30 вечера.

6.Я часто гулял в этом районе. Но в этом году я переехал в другой район.

7.Сколько времени вы оставались у своего друга? – Не помню точно, но с 5 до 7 вечера мы играли в шахматы.

8.Если вы скажете ему об этом, я перестану с вами разговаривать.

9.Когда я вошёл в магазин, продавщица показывала красивое платье пожилой даме.

10.Он путешествовал по Италии в течение двух месяцев. У него много впечатлений, хотя он побывал там дважды.

11.Они изучали английский язык два года, когда начали изучать французский язык.

12.Он часто встречал Алису на этой неделе, но завтра она уезжает в Лондон и он не знает, когда она вернётся.

13.К тому времени, как мы придём домой, мы приготовим всё для вечеринки.

14.Мэри ищет работу, она начала искать её в декабре и ищет уже два месяца.

15.Вы собрали материал для научной работы? – Нет ещё. Я всё ещё его собираю. Я собираю его с октября.

16.Они закончили эксперимент к субботе. Завтра с двух до трёх они будут докладывать о результатах.

17.Как только мы упаковали вещи, подъехало такси.

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